7 Reasons to Experience Autumn in Armenia

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7 Tips to Spending a Fantastic Fall in Armenia

7 Reasons to Experience Autumn in Armenia

Have you ever seen the paintings of Armenian landscapist Martiros Saryan that burn in all enchanting colors of red, yellow, orange, green and purple? I am wondering if he could have ever mixed those oils if he hadn’t lived through the magic of the Armenian autumn if he hadn’t driven on the curvy roads of forest hills that nature painted in such a charming palette.

Martiros Saryan armenian landscape

If you’re in luck to be visiting Armenia in this most winning season, when the grapes in the hands of the elderly winemaker turn into this red nectar satiated with the taste of the sun, and your senses are aroused on every corner by the aroma of ripe peach and cantaloupe, here we suggest you try these 7 tips to best explore the secrets of the Armenian autumn.

Take a forest hike

Take a forest hike up the stream along the river bed. Fill up your lungs with misty oxygen so generously gifted by these millennia-old forests, opening for you their most sacred secrets.

forest hike in armenia

Take a zipline/paragliding flight over the forest

As much as Armenia is famed for its ancient colorful carpet-making traditions, no carpet can compare to the intricate patterns of the one weaved by the Armenian nature in autumn. Imagine flying over it?

zipline flight in armenia in autumn

Take a 4×4 tour on muddy roads

Challenge yourself to win over the soil of this ancient land nourished by autumn rains and let the freshness of the morning dew run through your veins and feed it with life source.

Offroading in armenia jeep tour 4x4

Take part in festivals

Savor the wine of the Armenian soil, made from grapes carefully collected by the hardworking people of distant villages. Who’d refuse it, especially when these simple people hand it to you with such a cordial smile. They too are a part of this nature.

areni wine festival armenia

Try the sweetest fruits of your life

Armenians abroad, when asked what they miss most, mention the fruits of this soil first. There’s something about the produce here, fed by the heat of the sun, sheltered by the mountain ranges and cooled down by the wholesome streams. Still mainly organic, you’ll always associate Armenia with its fruits for sure.

autumn fruits armenia

Feel like you’re in London

They don’t sell rain boots here. Put on your sandals and walk over the puddles, imagining you’re in London or at least in some huge 18th-century mansion somewhere in the English country.

Yerevan republic square after the rain

Have a glass of wine under colorful trees

If the Armenian autumn has inspired you into romanticism, pop yourself a cork of red Armenian somewhere in a forest under the trees, pour it into plastic cups and say a “kenats” (toast) for the unity of nature and man. And if you’re with a group of Armenians hungry after a long hike, you might as well enjoy a barbecue spiced with fresh herbs, onion, stories and humor. Anything goes when you’re in a good company.

Fall colors in armenia

Want to taste more of that goodness above, be sure to check out our Adventure Tours in Armenia or Contact us and we will guide you through this amazing country

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