Top 10 Apps for Travelling in Armenia

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Armenia Travel Apps

Top 10 Apps for Travelling in Armenia

What are the best mobile applications to download before travelling to Armenia? What are the handiest apps for finding nearby attractions, bars or ATM machines? Which apps allow you to keep track of your flight, taxi cabs or Armenia’s bus system? Read on to find out the most helpful applications you can download for your upcoming trip to Armenia.

Traveling has become a lot easier thanks to technology. When you travel now, you can download apps that will help you with everything from finding great places to eat and shop to getting information about the weather all across the world. Armenia is no different. Aside from Facebook and Instagram, which are the most popular apps in Armenia, there are great apps for your trip to Armenia that will allow you to have a more punctual and informative trip.

Here’s a list of 10 must-have apps for your trip to Armenia. 

GG Taxi

GG Taxi

If you’re familiar with taxi services such as Uber and Lyft, Armenia’s GG Taxi is the same idea. GG allows you to make an account and order a taxi online. You’ll get a notification when your driver has arrived, and you can pay with cash or your credit/debit card. It’s safe, it’s easy, and it’s a great way to be able to travel throughout the city for affordable prices.

You can download the app for iOS and Android.

This is a great app that allows you to order takeout. Simply input your address and choose from hundreds of restaurants, cafes, and more. It’ll show you approximately when your food will be delivered to you, and what’s even better is that delivery prices are extremely cheap- even less than $1!

You can download the app for iOS and Android.



Between the hours of 9:30 AM and 10:30 PM, you can use this app to reserve your spot in a restaurant or cafe of your choice in Yerevan. You can browse through the different options to see what you’d like, and also read people’s reviews of the restaurant. You also have the availability to check out the menu beforehand so you don’t have to spend lots of time while at the restaurant. This is a great way to ensure that you’ll have a spot at a delicious restaurant and won’t have to fight the lines to get there!

You can download the app for iOS and Android.

This is a great offline app to allow you to find wherever you want to go quickly. Simply input the address of the place you’re going, and this map will show you exactly how to get there. Or, you can choose from different categories, including lodging, shops, health, entertainment, food, attractions, and more, and receive lists of exciting places in Armenia to visit. Then, the map will show you how to get there. This is especially great if you want to go on a walking trip throughout the city, or if you’ll be renting your own car.

You can download the app for iOS and Android. - Armenian app for currency exchange

This app is especially important for your trip to Armenia because it will allow you to see the daily exchange rate between your currency and Armenian Dram. It also provides a list of the banks in Armenia and their daily exchange rates. This way, you can see which bank has the best rates so you get the most value for your money.

You can download the app for iOS and Android.

Armenian Yellow Pages

Armenian Yellow Pages, also called Spyur, is just like the regular Yellow Pages site. Simply scroll through the different categories or type in a person’s or company’s name, and the website will provide you with their contact information, including their telephone number, website, and address. This can especially be helpful if you want to know where something is and will need the address.

You can download the app for iOS and Android.

Other Yerevan

other yerevan

If you’re a lover of architecture, then this app is for you. It describes itself as being a “virtual museum” of special architectural sites throughout Yerevan, especially ones that have historical significance. It’s specifically aimed towards older architectural sites that need to be preserved in the midst of rapid modernization. Since the app is still in progress, you can keep checking for new sites as it updates. Be sure to have this app handy in case you plan to spend the day in Yerevan!

You can download the app for Android.

Yerevan Events

Yerevan Events

Assuming that you’re going to be spending the majority of your time in Yerevan, this app is essential. It provides daily updates of events going on throughout the city, including concerts, movies, seminars, exhibitions, sports, festivals, tours, and more. Input the dates of your trip and you’ll find a whole list of events in Yerevan. You can find something new every day to keep you busier than ever during your trip to Armenia.

You can download the app for iOS and Android.

A2B Transport

A2B Transport

If you’re planning to travel throughout Yerevan using the transportation system, you’ll need this app. Input the name of the street you’re on and the street you plan to be going to, and you’ll receive a list of transportational methods, including buses, microbuses (called marshrutka in Armenia), and trolleybuses. The app will provide you with the time the bus is expected to arrive, the exact bus stop, and the bus number. It’s also important to mention that transportation throughout Armenia is incredibly cheap, especially via buses, so you won’t be making any dents in your wallet.

You can download the app for Android.

911 SOS Armenia

911 SOS Armenia

Hopefully, you won’t need to use this app, but it’s important to be prepared for any emergency wherever you are. This app has an SOS button that you can press in case of an emergency, and help will get to you right away. You can also get the addresses and phone numbers of the local police or fire stations and hospitals, and you will be notified of any incidents or accidents that took place in your area.

You can download the app for iOS and Android.

For your next trip to Armenia, it’s important to plan ahead. These ten apps are must-haves for your trip to Armenia, and for locals as well. All of these apps will allow you to have a fun and efficient trip!

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